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会话1001签名过期Signature expired
1002签名无效Invalid signature
1003user_id 无效Invalid user_id
1004App Key 不存在App Key is not exist
1005时间戳无效Invalid timestamp
1006App 没有开通任何服务App has no service
1007同时开启会话数超过限制Simultaneous opening of sessions exceeds limit
生物数据分析服务2001生物数据分析服务尚未初始化Biodata services are uninitialized
2002测试应用使用量超过限制Test app has exceeded the limit
2003正式应用可用余量不足App's remaining amount is not enough
2004参数 X 不正确The key 'X' is incorrect
2005找不到 X 服务No 'X' service
2006参数 X 的值不正确The value of 'X' is incorrect
生理状态分析服务3001生理状态分析服务尚未启动Affective services are not started
3002找不到 X 服务No 'X' service
3003测试应用使用量超过限制Test app has exceeded the limit
3004正式应用可用余量不足App's remaining amount is not enough
3005参数 X 不正确The key 'X' is incorrect
其它400请求异常Request exception
401会话不存在,请先建立会话Session not exist, create a session first.
404服务不存在Sevice not exist
405操作太频繁Operation is too frequently